Letter to CERN organizations


The fate of the planet
is in the hands of nuclear
physicists: shall we be lucky this time?


the Theory
of creation of
the Universe

Analysis of CERN’s
Final Report on
Safety of its Large
Hadron Collider

Shall we learn to think
or become extinct like mammoths?

the Author




“Mankind has reached the threshold beyond which there is a need
 for new morality, new knowledge, and a new system of values”

Moiseev N N (1917 – 2000), Academician of the
Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR


Scientific research shows: in order for life on Earth to continue, our planet needs to be at an optimum distance from the Sun. A change of this distance by a mere 2 % will make life on Earth impossible. The period of rotation of Earth around its axis can change by only a few percent without damage to the life on the planet.  Unlike all other planets, which have elliptic orbits, the Earth’s orbit is almost circular, which is important for maintaining the constancy of the climate. The size and mass of the Earth is optimum, if it were less, the Earth would lose its atmosphere, like the Moon; and if it were more, then the atmosphere would accumulate poisonous gases, such as methane, ammonia, hydrogen. Without such a unique atmosphere there would be no life on Earth. The same can be said about the sea and fresh water, about such vital particles as carbon, oxygen, phosphorus and about many other things. The Earth is conditioned for life by a set of the interconnected characteristics of our galaxy, the star-sun, and planets. This scientific postulate is called the Hawking’s Anthropic principle. Today’s scientists count over 40 characteristics without a strict observance of which the life on Earth would not be possible.

American astrophysicist Hugh Ross produced an estimate of the probability of an accidental coincidence of 41 such characteristics and came up with a number equal 10 in a minus of 53 degrees (probability of an event smaller than 10 in a minus of 40 degrees is considered by scientists as practically impossible).  Really, considering that the observable Universe contains less than one billion galaxies, each of which has about 100 billion stars, and a 1000 stars has about one planet, we can calculate the number of planets in the Universe as 10 in 20 degrees (33 orders less than required), i.e. no other planet has all the conditions for the occurrence of life which would arise spontaneously, exclusively by the force of natural processes.

The conclusion about the exclusiveness of the phenomenon of the existence of life on Earth is also proved to be true by the data gained during the experiment on «Biosphere-2» in the State of Arizona. This structure represented a closed natural model of «Biosphere-1», i.e. the real biosphere of the Earth. It covered a 3.14-acre area, took 5 years to construct and cost about 200 million US dollars. Despite the top technological maintenance Biosphere-2 turned out to be incapable of providing eight people with the necessary quantity of food, water and air even for 2 years. 15 months after the concealment of an outside isolating shell in 1991, the oxygen level fell to a critical level and it had to be pumped from the outside. 18 out of 25 species of vertebrate animals that were placed under the dome of this structure died, as well as the majority of the insects. Serious problems arose with the temperature control as well as water and air pollution. As a result, the organizers of this grandiose experiment had to recognize that we do not have the slightest idea about how the natural ecological systems are capable of providing everything necessary for the existence of the human.


On 10/21/2008, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (known as CERN), despite numerous accidents and malfunctions, officially inaugurated a nuclear particle accelerator of extraordinary power – the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The experiments are devised to recreate the so called Big Bang, which, as theorized by the experimenters, gave birth to the Universe… and to achieve a fracture of the fundamental particle of the world - stable protons which have existed in their invariable state in nature since the moment of their creation. The energy with which the collider will smash the particles - 14 Tev (1.4x10 in 13th degree of electron-volts) - will be millions of times higher than the energy produced in the individual act of thermonuclear synthesis (i.e. in the reaction of merging of deuterium with tritium during explosion of a hydrogen bomb), and the rate of collisions of particles will be billions times per second!

To this day nobody has been able to break the proton.  But the power of the new collider ten times exceeds the limit reached on the largest of operating accelerators (the Tevatron in Batavia, USA) and consequently may make it possible to break a proton. But what will follow then? Does CERN, which is known as a supporter of quantum dynamics and relativistic views, know it? Doubtfully. Consider for yourselves by the questions, which the experimenters are posing: «Why do otherwise massless elementary particles cause matter to have mass and why is their mass different?  Why is there no anti-matter left in the Universe? Why do objects gravitate to each other?»  All of this is unknown still.

In CERN’s views, the essence of these phenomena is reduced to Higgs boson, which, as they hypothesize, may exist inside the proton. This boson was postulated, without any factual or theoretical warrants, in 1960 by P.Higgs to explain the failure of his experiments. The search for this boson has been unsuccessfully conducted in the world for more than 40 years and is declared to be the major goal of the LHC experiment. The meaning of this search and even the Big Bang theory itself, which is the premise for these experiments, are completely negated by many known scientists. 

Here are the words of a known Swedish physicist and astrophysicist Hannes Alfven, who was awarded (together with L.Neel) the Nobel Prize of 1970 «for fundamental work and discoveries in magneto-hydrodynamics with fruitful applications in various fields of plasma physics»»… as well as recognized with the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in London (1967), and the Lomonosov Gold Medal of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1971); he is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, London Royal Society and other Academies: 
«The modern cosmological theory represents the top of absurdity - it asserts, that all Universe has arisen at a certain particular moment similarly to the blown up nuclear bomb which was (more or less) the size of a pin head... It seems that in a present intellectual atmosphere the huge advantage of the Big Bang cosmology is that it insults common sense: credo guia absurdum («I believe for it is an absurd»)!»

Here is also an opinion of another authority in physics - A.Ei
nstein, who wrote: «Even the great initial success of the Quantum Theory does not make me believe in the fundamental dice-game... Physicists consider me an old fool, but I am convinced, that in the future the development of physics will go in a different direction».

In other words, the officially planned experiments, which already cost the countries of NATO 10 billion dollars, do not appear to have a systematic theoretical warrant. This leads to the assumption that these experiments have a hidden agenda of NATO.  So far the collider projects have been created for the purpose of resolving tasks for perfecting nuclear weapons.

Recall Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl … Hasn’t the History taught us that the work with fundamental particles requires super care? And what is MOST IMPORTANT, - there is a known theory in science that the matter is not a result of some absurd "Big Bang" which we know nothing more about, and which concept does not hold up to any criticism, but that it has arisen from vacuum. And this turns out to be essential for understanding the danger of the planned experiments.

Based on the analysis of data about producing high vacuum, data about space phenomena and results of world known scientific research, a THEORY OF CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE HAS BEEN DEVELOPED (
https://dovgel.com/engl/apok-e.htm ),

~ 14 pages], which logically explains the mechanism of creation of matter, the effect of gravitation, the nature of space holes and other natural phenomena. It shows that electron and proton are born from vacuum in one natural act. Therefore they have an energetic charge, which is strictly equal in quantity, but opposite in sign, and consequently the Universe is electro-neutral. The entire universe consists of these two basic particles; the neutron is also an effect of interaction of a proton and an electron.

But if matter arises from vacuum, then this process can also be reversible! Experiments with breaking protons are extremely dangerous to the Earth! The theory explains “why” in detail. Here is a short summary: at the time when the proton’s shell is fractured in the collider there will be a merging of the proton with any one of the electrons (which are present everywhere, including in the collider’s structure) and the disappearance of both particles from existence.


1) During nuclear and thermonuclear explosions the mass of the components participating in the reaction decreases by only fractions of a percent. While in the collider THE INTERREACTING PARTICLES WILL DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY, with their mass and energy charges, - there will be a micro hole of emptiness with the release of such energy which will fuse the shell of a number of other surrounding protons;

2) During the nuclear decomposition reaction of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 in a nuclear bomb, only 2 or 3 free neutrons arise, which then cause a decay of the following 2-3 nuclei. While in the collider a concussion of protons is designed to happen: a) after focusing them by the most powerful magnets into dense beams; b) and colliding them in head on directions with the energy of "Big Bang" billions times per second. The occurrence of any micro hole in such conditions will fuse thousands of protons, so that "micro holes" may arise in a collider by billions … It means, that the development of the emptiness hole via a chain reaction will go much more rapidly than during a nuclear detonation.  The "hole" will instantaneously expand to the dimension of the Earth and then dissipate into space to a state of space vacuum. In other words, an instant after the fracture of a proton, the most fertile Planet of the Universe may vanish without a trace.

The analysis of conclusions of a working group of CERN (the opinion of its 5 employees, with each one having explored particular areas, which then were combined into a summary report) about the safety of the hadron collider project shows (
http://dovgel.com/engl/analysis.htm ) that the report conclusions are erroneous. Many scientists seriously criticize this report, but it is being ignored by CERN.

Let us review here just one of the arguments, which CERN officials consider to be the most convincing one. It goes like this: our planet is being constantly exposed to the influence of cosmic rays of energies which equal or even surpass that of the collider, and nevertheless it has not been destroyed yet.  This is absurdity and substitution of concepts. It is one thing – the protons of high energies freely flying in space, which cannot collide due to the different directions of their trajectories and the repelling forces of the electrical charges of the same sign.  And it is another thing in the collider, which is devised to accelerate protons to the velocity of light, focus them into dense beams using super powerful magnets and collide them head-on with the energy of "Big Bang". Where will the enormous energy from their head on collision go?  It appears CERN did not think about this. Their argument, that the energy of collision of two protons in the collider will not exceed the energy of collision of two mosquitoes in the air - and consequently it is safe, - simply amazes with absurdity!

The clock in the collider is ticking and every minute of indifference
can be the last minute of the mankind!


Evgeni Dovgel, 11.22.2008.
See other articles of the author on http://dovgel.com/
(Engl:  http://dovgel.com/engl/e-r.htm ).

Translation from Russian by Olga Dovgel  11.22.2008.


[1]  Zaripov V.K. "Main Theories of the Creation of the Universe", http://www.ikthus.org.ua/atheist/UniverseCreation/2.shtml

[2] Citation from V.N. Bilan's site "Cosmology and Cosmogony", http://kosmologia.ucoz.ru/index/0-7

[3] Albert Einstein to Max Born, Sept 1944, 'The Born-Einstein Letters'

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The Theory
of the Socio-Economic Formations


We ask for your help promoting the below announcement in your subscriptions and on your sites:

The developed theory (http://dovgel.com/engl/e-r.htm) explains in an easy to read format the appearance of matter, the effect of gravitation, the nature of black holes and proves that experiments of the European center for nuclear researches (CERN), are capable of destroying the planet.  It is urgently needed to have an independent safety study of the planned experiments. Please ask people to read the article "About the New Theory of the Origin of the Universe and the dangers of extreme experiments with matter", http://dovgel.com/engl/ontve.htm


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