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Shall we learn to think
or become extinct like


the Author



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Accumulated list of aphorisms,  pages 2

Translation by Olga and Maria Dovgel

Release 11-20

The thoughts of great thinkers must be read as slowly as they were written down.

(Some great thinker)


Release-12 Release-13 Release-14 Release-15 Release-16 Release-17 Release-18 Release-19 Release-20


The greatness of a nation is not in the achievements of its separate representatives, no matter how significant they are. The greatness of a nation is in the universal importance of the purpose to which it aspires.

VOZNESENSKIJ Nikolaj Alekseevich (1903-50), Russian politician, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943). In 1938-49 - chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR. In 1946-49 - vice-president of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. A member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1947-49. State premium recipient of the USSR (1948). Subjected to repression in 1949; rehabilitated postmortem. 

When there is order in the country, be courageous in words; when there is no order in the country, be courageous in business, but careful in words (the citation is given second time).

Confucius  (551-479 BC), ancient Chinese philosopher,
founder of Confucianism

Patience is a treasure for entire life.

Japanese proverb


Thinking is the hardest job of all - therefore so few people are engaged in it.

FORD Henry (1863-1947), American engineer, inventor and industrialist, one of the founders of automobile industry

The strongest fortress is a human head. Traditions of all dead generations are gravitating,
as a nightmare, over the minds of the living.

MARX Karl (1818-83), well known thinker and public figure, founder of Marxism

Experience allows us to identify a mistake every time we repeat it.

FRANKLIN John (1786-1847), English arctic explorer. On last expedition (1845-45) he and all his crew died but proved the existence of Northwest Passage

Accustom yourself and others never to reject the idea at once,
but first try to look for a rational seed in it.

Unknown author


When you are speaking without any plan you won't guess where your speech will take you.

CHERNYSHEVSKY Nikolay Gavrilovich (1828-1889), Russian author, publicist, literary critic. 

“First of all - a famous artist told his students once – you should never make a stroke with a brush, if you're not seeing the whole and not keeping it coordinated with this whole”.  The same can also be said about the economic policies: you should not take any measures without coordinating them with all the accumulative desirable results.

Walter Ojken, well known German economist

It is necessary to verify especially careful those judgments which seem obvious to us.


To the beginning


The history has already had it all, but the people and governments never made conclusions and did not draw lessons, which they should have drawn from the past.

Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831), German philosopher who developed the objective - idealistic basis for the systematic theory of Dialectics (this citation is repeated)

 Each century has its own “Middle Ages”.

Taranov P.S. 

If you can measure what you are taking about, and express it in figures – it means, that you know something about this subject. But if you cannot express it quantitatively, then your knowledge is extremely limited and unsatisfactory. It may be the initial stage, but it isn’t a level of true scientific knowledge.

THOMSON William, also known as Baron Kelvin (1824 - 1907), English physicist, one of the founders of thermodynamics, best known for proposing the absolute, or Kelvin, temperature scale; he also contributed to other areas of classical theory; since 1851 a member, and since 1890 on 1895 - the president of the London Royal Society; member of Academies of Sciences of many countries and scientific organizations

To the beginning


The wealth of the country is not necessarily built on its own natural resources; it is achievable even in the case of their complete absence. The most important resource is the person. The state just needs to create a basis for the blossoming of the talent of people.

Margaret Thatcher, when acting as the prime minister of Great Britain

The wealthier countries used to be there, where the nature was more generous, now - where the person is more active.

Buckle Henry Thomas (1821-1862), English historian and sociologist

The world has enough for everybody’s need, but not enough for everybody’s greed.

GANDHI Mohandas Karamchand (1869-1948), leader and ideologist of the Indian national-liberation movement. Better known by his people's name Mahatma Gandhi ("Great soul")

To the beginning


Most harm is not at all from ignorance, but from the knowledge of a great many things which are actually not true.

Frank KNIGHT, (1885-1974), American economist

Few could foresee, how resolute changes in the creation of sources of wealth in the West would change the parity of military opposition in the world and even the nature of conducting war.

Alvin TOFFLER (1928-), American futurologist, author (together with Heidi Toffler) of a well-known book "The Third Wave" (1980), which is important for understanding of the processes occurring in the modern global world

Empedocles noted to Xenophan, that it is impossible to find a wise man. «That is true, - he answered - for the person, wishing to find a wise man, must be wise".

Fragment from a conversation of ancient Greek philosophers,  about 500 AD (P.Taranov, «Wisdom of three millennia")

To the beginning


Most harm is not at all from ignorance, but from the knowledge of a great many things which are actually not true.

Frank KNIGHT, (1885-1974), American economist

Few could foresee, how resolute changes in the creation of sources of wealth in the West would change the parity of military opposition in the world and even the nature of conducting war.

Alvin TOFFLER (1928-), American futurologist, author (together with Heidi Toffler) of a well-known book "The Third Wave" (1980), which is important for understanding of the processes occurring in the modern global world

Empedocles noted to Xenophan, that it is impossible to find a wise man. «That is true, - he answered - for the person, wishing to find a wise man, must be wise".

Fragment from a conversation of ancient Greek philosophers,  about 500 AD (P.Taranov, «Wisdom of three millennia")

To the beginning


The majority is never right about the economic questions.

GALBRAITH John Kenneth, American economist, proponent for the necessity of strengthening the state intervention into the USA economy. Seeing much in common in the technological level and organization of production in the USA and the Soviet Union, supported the idea of convergence of the systems  

Good intentions without qualification give the same effect, as  qualification without good intentions.

V. Levi, psychologist 

Everything can be improved.

Zhebit Gregory Avdeevich, chairman of the Public association «The International Academy of Organizational and Administrative Sciences" (Republic of Belarus)

To the beginning


The knowledge of some principles easily compensates for the ignorance of some facts.

HELVETIUS Claude-Adrien (1715-1771), French philosopher.  Believed that the world is material and infinite in time and space. Supported the doctrine about the decisive role of the environment in the formation of a person.  

No amount of reasoning is going to help a person see the way that he does not want to see.

Romain ROLLAND (1866 - 1944), French writer, novelist and publicist, Nobel Prize winner (1915) 

Nothing prevents one from seeing, as much as one's own point of view.

DON AMINADO (real name Aminad Petrovich Shpoliansky) (1888-1957), Russian poet. Immigrated in 1920.

To the beginning


Continuation look on other pages

To the beginning





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and discuss with them the thoughts of the great minds, for they are not always clear unequivocally.
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Appendice: E. Dovgel’s publications "ABOUT A NEW PARADIGM IN ECONOMICS"

The plan of releases can be found here 

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